The CROYAN Project – Royal Collections from North America, relies on a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach, which combines several lines of research :
- the historical study of the collection, relying on the written sources of the time
- the material analysis of the objects, which includes technological studies, the identification of materials and the traces of use
- the conservation-restoration of the objects, which require regular monitoring because of their age and specific material requirements
- the collaboration with Native American and First Nations partners, to shed new light on the provenance and context of the collection preserved in France, on the value and function attributed to the latter in the past and today, and to ensure its transmission to futures generations.
The heart of our approach lies in the dialogue between indigenous and academic knowledge. This dialogue is essential for a better understanding of the collections under study, but also to account for the biases present in academic practices, of which researchers are not always aware.
By highlighting the traditions, languages and territories of the Nations involved in the project, we aim to reintegrate these ancient collections into the present day, sparking discussion on their cultural, historical, social and utilitarian significance, while highlighting the importance of indigenous cultures in time and space.
The CRoyAN website aims at publicizing to a wide audience the CROYAN Project and to highlight the the wealth of initiatives and exchanges being carried out.
It presents the Native North-American collections that arrived to France before 1856, the stages of the project and the results of the collaborations between researchers and Native American partners and communities. In addition to scientific production, it also enables us to monitor discoveries and explore these objects in greater depth through a long-term dialogue.
Our interdisciplinary project brings together academics, curators, archaeologists, Native American and First Nations partners, engineers, restorers, researchers in preventive conservation and a lawyer in the study, preservation and dissemination of collections.
This complementarity of knowledge and methods creates a rich dialogue between academic and indigenous knowledge, offering a more complete vision of the collections studied.
The CROYAN Project Members
Discover the partners from France, the United States and Canada, bringing together academics, curators, restorers and Native American partners, who are actively involved in studying, preserving and disseminating the history of the royal collections housed at the Musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac.
In France

Laurianne ROBINET
Research Engineer, Head of the Leather and Parchment Division,
Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation